Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law

					View Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law

The second edition of the IJIL journal delves into diverse and thought-provoking topics, including the sociological and Maqasid Shariah perspectives on endogamous marriage for Syarifah in the Arab village of Kademangan, Bondowoso; the reconstruction of contemporary Arab reasoning by Muhammad ‘Abed Al-Jabiri; the analysis of equality in the rights and responsibilities of husbands and wives based on Musdah Mulia’s perspective in renewing Islamic family concepts in Indonesia; the relevance of Al-Ghazali’s Maşlahah in the context of Indonesian fiqh; interfaith marriage in Indonesia viewed from an inclusive pluralist fiqh perspective; and the dual role of women in families from the perspective of Indonesian Muslim feminists.

Unlike the previous edition, which was preceded by an inter-university conference featuring lecturers as speakers, this edition held a conference between postgraduate students from IAIN Jember and IAIN Purwokerto. The articles in this issue are published bilingually in English and Indonesian. 

Regards, Editorial Team.

Published: 01-12-2018